Price List

Women & Feminine Cuts - $55

Wash & Cut - $65

Wash, Cut & Blow Wave - $75

Mens Cut - $44

Harry’s Skin Fade - $50

Cut & Wash - $50

Colour, Cut & Style - $110

Beard Trim - $15

Pensioners mens - $30 / womens - $45

Seniors mens - $35 / womens - $50

Preschool Kids - $25

Primary School - $28

Secondary School - $33

Student & Concession - $40

Keune’s Tinta Colour

Colour - $90

Colour & Blow Wave - $95

Colour, Cut- $130

Semi Colours & Toners - $40

Gloss Treatments - $40

Full Head of Foils - $175*

Half Head of Foils - $100

Quarter Head of Foils - $75

Cap Tips - $100

Additional Colours - $10

Also available in Keune’s So Pure range; which is Paraben & Sulfate free.

All of Keune’s colours and products are 100% cruelty free

*As we are a colour specialization salon, all colour correction work will need to be quoted on consultation.

Styling & Hair Ups

Blow Wave - $44

Long Haired Blow Wave - $50

Wedding & Hair Ups - $75

Sets - $44

Braiding - $30

Keune’s Keratin Straightening Treatment

Short Hair $250

Long Hair $280

Permanent Waves

Short Hair - $130

Long Hair - $150


Eyebrow Tinting - $15

Eyebrow Waxing - $10

Facial Waxing - $15

Ear Piecing - $30

To avoid delays, please call us to book an appointment.

Home visits are available locally. Every visit is priced on consultation.